07-10 Duramax LMM OEM Length PPE Replacement 2" High Flow Up-Pipes 50 State Legal 07-10 Duramax LMM OEM Length PPE Replacement 2" High Flow Up-Pipes 50 State Legal

07-10 Duramax LMM OEM Length PPE Replacement 2" High Flow Up-Pipes 50 State Legal


50 States Emissions Legal (E.O. D-701-20 )

Diesel engines (even stock) produce high temperatures and pressures. OEM up-pipes eventually fail from constant temperature and pressure fluctuation. 

PPE has taken OEM replacement to a new level. PPE OEM Up-Pipes allow 53% greater flow than stock. PPE OEM Up-Pipes are a direct bolt-on to your factory manifolds. But unlike factory parts, PPE OEM Up-Pipes are manufactured from 11 gauge 304 stainless steel and include our superior PPE 304 stainless steel, internally-sleeved bellows that can take the abuse of high temperature and high pressure.

Note: $180.00 Core charge applies, reimbursed upon return of good core components. 

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